Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So I Guess I'm the Spiderman of Online Dating . . . But With a Talking Heart

I have never seen a more beautiful, nor more exciting woman than you. Yes, I know that I am not your prince in shining armor, and I am not the frog you are looking to kiss, but rather the toad sitting along the way watching all the frogs getting kissed. But, I know beauty when I see it, and I know what makes my heart sing. I may be older, but I would never cheat on my lady, nor would I treat her with any kind of disrespect. If you get tired of those who would use, or abuse you, I would be pleased to show you what it is like to be treated as you so richly deserve. In my eyes you are a gem, and should be treasured by the one you choose to be with, and he should feel honored that you wish to be with him. Please, forgive me if I have spoken out of turn, or offended you in any way. I speak only what my heart feels for you. You have been blessed by God with a beauty that most women could never achieve, and since I have seen you, He has blessed me too. The men's hearts that you touch haven't a chance at all around you. We sometimes are judged by those that we touch. I assume that you are viewed as one of the most wonderful women those that you meet have ever known. I think that is sweet, but at the same time I know that with great glory comes huge responsibility to ones self. Please, never take yourself too seriously, and above all else enjoy life, for it passes so quickly. A beautiful woman, such as yourself, is something that most men seek all of their lives, but some of us can only smile at God in thanks as you pass by. You are so wonderful to my heart!

My heart belongs to you now. It lies there at your feet. Please, pick it up, and hold it to your breast, so that our hearts may talk to one another. I long to find you are just as lovely inside as well.

Forever Yours


  1. Well, he's certainly got this right:

    I assume that you are viewed as one of the most wonderful women those that you meet have ever known.

  2. Toujours, you are so wonderful to my heart!
